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How to Make and Use a Chore Chart for Kids

Family Finance
April 28, 2024
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Ever wondered how to teach kids about chores and allowances in a fun way? 

That's where chore charts come in!

Back in the day, chores were part of everyone’s daily life, helping the family run smoothly. 

Nowadays, we use charts to keep track of these tasks and teach kids about responsibility and money management.

A chore chart is like a to-do list for kids, showing them their chores for the day or week.

It’s a great way to make helping out around the house clear and fun.

Use chore charts to keep track of tasks and teach kids about responsibility and money management

With pictures or stickers to mark completed tasks, chore charts turn the sometimes boring chore time into a game.

They are fantastic tools for keeping everyone organized and making sure all the household tasks get done without hassle.

Let's take a closer look.

Up Ahead:

Making Chore Charts for Kids

When making a chore chart for your kids, it's all about clarity and motivation. 

Let's get to the nitty-gritty of setting one up:

What Goes on a Chore Chart

A typical chore chart includes:

  • Days of the Week: Each column is labeled with a day, from Sunday to Saturday.
  • Tasks: Listed on the rows, these are the chores your kids will tackle.
  • Names: For family charts, write who’s responsible in each task’s cell.
  • Check-Off Area: A space to mark the chore as done, which kids love to do!

Start with a List

Before you put pen to chart, write down all the chores.

Think about what your kids can handle-little ones might collect toys, while older ones can handle the vacuuming.

Keep chores age-appropriate so they don't feel overwhelmed.

Organizing Chores by Frequency

The main area of the chart is for daily chores.

Below that, have sections for less frequent tasks-weekly ones like changing sheets, and monthly ones like cleaning the car.

Regular vs. Bonus Chores

Regular chores are the must-dos, while bonus chores are your child's chance to earn a little extra allowance.

These could be bigger tasks or ones outside the usual routine and are optional.

With these steps, you'll create a chart that not only keeps the house in order but also teaches your kids the value of work and reward.

Keep the tone upbeat and the design fun, and you're on your way to chore chart success!

Example of a Chore Chart

Chore Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Daily Chores
Clean the kitchen Ann Brad Ann Brad Ann Brad Ann
Wash dishes Brad Ann Brad Ann Brad Ann Brad
Water the plants Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann
Feed the cat Brad Brad Brad Brad Brad Brad Brad
Weekly Chores
Clean the bathroom Brad
Vacuum the living room Ann
Take out the trash Brad
Mow the lawn Brad
Bonus Chores
Wash the car $3
Organize the garage $2
Clean the attic $1

Chore Chart Apps

Welcome to the digital age of chore management! 

Chore chart apps are the modern solution to the age-old question of how to make chores engaging for kids. 

They turn the weekly must-dos into a fun and interactive experience that can be managed with just a few taps on a screen.

One of the biggest perks of using an app is how easy they make setting everything up.

You can create tasks, assign them to different days, and put names to chores all within the app.

Plus, many of these apps come with features like reminders and notifications, which mean no more nagging—your phone does the prompting for you!

Chore chart apps are the modern solution to the age-old question of how to make chores engaging for kids. 
chore apps

But here's a game-changer: some chore chart apps allow parents to transfer allowance right through the app when kids complete their chores.

That means instant rewards for hard work, teaching kids about earning and saving money in a way that's clear and direct.

It's safe, secure, and oh-so-satisfying for both kids and parents. 

With these apps, managing household tasks is not just easier; it's more rewarding, too!

DIY Chore Charts

Roll up your sleeves—it's time to get creative with a do-it-yourself chore chart! 

Making one at home can be as simple or as crafty as you want it to be. 

Here are a few ways you can go about it:

Magnetic Whiteboard

Grab a whiteboard and a Sharpie to draw a table with rows for chores and columns for days of the week.

Assign different colored magnets to each family member so they can place their magnet in the cell once they’ve completed their task.

It’s easy to see who's done what at a glance, and you can wipe it clean at the end of the week.

To-Do and Done Containers

With two simple containers labeled 'To-Do' and 'Done,' write each chore on a paper card or a popsicle stick. 

Let your kids move them from one bin to the other as they complete their tasks.

They’ll love the satisfaction of dropping their tasks into the 'Done' jar, and you can all watch as it fills up through the week.

Print a Chart on Paper

For something straightforward, print out a chore chart or draw one and hang it up in a shared space. 

Kids can put a checkmark or sticker next to their name when they’ve finished a chore.

Make it colorful and fun or let your kids decorate it to make it their own.

If you laminate it, they can wipe it clean and start fresh each week.

Whether you're going high-tech with a whiteboard or low-tech with paper and stickers, the best DIY chore chart is one that your family makes—and uses—together.

Chore Wheel Explained

A chore wheel is a great way to mix up who does what chore around the house. 

Think of it as a game show spinner for your daily tasks! You'll need two circles: a big one for chores and a smaller one for names.

Here’s how you make it:

  • Grab some cardboard or sturdy paper and cut out a big circle for the chores and a smaller one for the names.
  • Divide the big circle into parts, one for each chore, and write them down on the segments.
  • On the smaller circle, jot down the names of everyone who'll be doing chores.
  • Then, pop a split pin through the center of both circles so you can spin them independently.

To use it, just give each wheel a spin and see where they land. Match a name to a chore, and that’s the task for the week. 

Hang this chore wheel somewhere everyone can see it, like the fridge, so it’s always in sight. 

This way, chores get spread out evenly, and it keeps things fair and fun!


Chore charts are super helpers for teaching kids about chores and saving money.

They show who needs to do what and when, making it clear and fun. 

Chore apps make this even cooler, letting you manage everything from your phone, including paying allowances

Or, get crafty with a DIY chart using stuff like whiteboards or paper. 

About Greatest Gift

Greatest Gift is the financial gifting platform for children's long term savings.

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Discover great ways to save and invest for children.
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